It’s Time to Take a Stand
There is a culture war boiling over in America. The Left is on the march and trying to dismantle every vestige of traditional, Bible-based values that were so foundational to the birth – and ultimate success – of this country. The time has come for each man to choose for himself, for his family, and for his future, where he stands. The Christian Everyday Joe is 100% committed to pushing back against the dark forces that are destroying America. We have a three-fold approach detailed below of how we intend to do that.
The 3-step Verbal Plan to Pushback Against Our Darkening Culture
1. Affirm Jesus Christ as the Necessary Foundation of America
“All things are held together in Him…” Paul never spoke words of any greater Truth. “All things” are indeed held together in Him, even when it feels like our nation is falling apart. The answer for America is not found in a political party or legislation, but in the hope and message of Jesus Christ. Jesus and Jesus alone is the necessary foundation for healing what ills our culture.
2. Affirm President Trump as God’s Man to protect Christian America as Cyrus aided the Jews
What happened on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 was no accident. The pundits were shocked, but God was not. He had a plan. And He had a man. That man, President Donald J. Trump, was God’s instrument to protect Christian America in a culture gone awry. God chose an imperfect man to carry out His perfect plan much like He used King Cyrus of Persia to aid the Jews in reestablishing and rebuilding their nation.
3. Affirm the Democrat Party as the agent of Satanic evil seeking to evolve one world government and the utter annihilation of the Christian Faith and Family
The Democratic Party of today is nothing less than the agent of Satan seeking to drag the United States of America into moral depravity, financial chaos and spiritual darkness. Their ultimate goal is to weaken the nation to such an extent that her place in the world is diminished to a point that she has no other choice than to submit to a one-world government. The Democratic Party also seeks the utter destruction of the Christian Faith and the institution of the Biblical family.